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Local & Global Outreach

The mission of Emmanuel’s Local & Global Outreach Ministries is to advance the work of Christ outside our parish walls by creating a more humane and just world. We strive to inform, inspire, and involve parishioners in service opportunities and advocacy locally, regionally, and globally and steward our shared time, talent, and treasure. The Outreach Team meets quarterly to summarize and plan ongoing and new activities. 

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Emmanuel is one of ALIVE!’s 49 faith communities whose members seek to put their faith and love to work serving others. As one of their member congregations, we provide financial support for their many programs that offer assistance in food distribution, shelter for women and families in emergency/transitional situations, other financial assistance, and housewares support. 


Emmanuel is also a sponsor of the annual StepALIVE! Walkathon. Emmanuel’s representative to the ALIVE! board continually brings opportunities to parishioners to get involved with highlighted needs as they arise. Volunteers are needed for both ongoing and one time activities.

Carpenter’s Shelter Breakfast Prep

Emmanuel volunteers serve breakfast to approximately 70 residents from 7:00 – 9:00 a.m. the last Saturday of each month at Carpenter’s Shelter. Breakfast casseroles and fruit salads are prepared at home and brought to the shelter. We also provide breakfast to David's Place and/or the overnight winter shelter.

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Carpenter's Shelter Dinner Prep

Emmanuel volunteers provide dinner for approximately 50 shelter residents the first Wednesday of each month. Many volunteers prepare dinner items at home, or purchase them, then three to four volunteers serve the dinner between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m.

Giving Tree

This annual tradition raises money to support a local need identified by our Outreach Committee, or to our help fund the music program and student scholarships for our Haiti ministry.

Haiti Ministry

Emmanuel partners with the Parish of Ste. Croix in Léogâne, Haiti and provides critical financial support that allows students to attend school and have a meal there. During the Christmas season we hold an annual fundraiser, The Giving Tree, to support scholarships, teacher salaries, musical instruments, and books. 

Meade Memorial Bag Lunch Program

For one week each month, Emmanuel volunteers prepare lunches for the program at Meade Memorial church in Old Town, Alexandria. Members of the team make sandwiches at home, pack brown bag lunches in our church kitchen and deliver them to Meade.

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Refugee Ministry

Coordinating with Christ Church’s Refugee Ministry, Emmanuel volunteers are gathered into a dedicated Care Team to provide support for refugee families who have recently settled in Alexandria. Our service to refugee families is building relationships so that families feel seen and heard; and that we can learn about their lives and needs to support and advocate for them during their first year in Alexandria. 


Care Team members will explore and share information with refugee families about available Alexandria City services, including food, medical, educational, and employment opportunities. Periodically, the Care Team will update the family's status to Christ Church and to our EEC community. Financial support is provided by Christ Church and Emmanuel. If you (and your friends) are interested in volunteering to befriend and support a refugee family, we invite you to this meaningful service!

Yard Sale

This community-wide effort combines fundraising with outreach to provide serious house cleaning, a source of inexpensive items to our low-income families, Saturday foot-traffic in the Parish Hall, and lots of fun for everyone. A coordinator manages scheduling, communication, and volunteers. Volunteers help with sorting, pricing and day of sales.

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