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Who We Are

From our earliest days of gathering individuals and families composed of multiple generations, we have worked to be a community of learning and inclusion. We pride ourselves on our commitment to worship and preaching, ministry to children, and outreach to the community and the world.


We enjoy being with one another in the presence of God and growing together towards who God calls us to be. 

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We are a diverse group

On any given Sunday you may see young families with children, retirees, singles, and teenagers. Some are life-long Episcopalians, others grew up in different faith traditions, and still others grew up without any church background at all. What we have in common is a desire to grow in our knowledge and love of God and to enter into an ever-deepening relationship with Jesus Christ.

Our Core Values

We believe in God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – as we confess our faith in the creeds and live the Gospel in our daily lives.


We care for, nurture and support individuals and families in every stage of life and circumstances.


We earn trust through open, truthful communication and we act with integrity by aligning our behavior with our words and values.


We demonstrate allegiance to the people and ministry of Emmanuel.


We enrich lives for our congregation, neighborhood and beyond by building relationships through worship, fellowship and service.

Our Mission

The Mission of Emmanuel Episcopal Church is to worship and serve God so that all people may experience and grow in God’s love, acceptance and grace. We meet the needs of families and individuals, in our community and beyond, in the spirit of love, friendship, compassion, fellowship, and fun.

Our 10-Year Vision for Emmanuel

Emmanuel Episcopal Church is a thriving, engaged and creative parish working to educate and meet the needs of children, youth and adults; live and demonstrate our Christian values; and create a more humane and just world through community service and outreach. To fulfill this vision we create and implement strategic plans every 5 years. Click here to view the 2022-2027 strategic plan. 

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